Got the camera SD card working again. Not sure what happened but a format and it seems ok now. Must get another one just to be on the safe side.
With boats moored all along the canal ahead we reach the outskirts of Devizes. Any number of the houses that back onto the canal have made something of the canal as a feature. Still a few that haven't been touched for years and one or two that have just been left for ever as a wilderness. Nice not to see the steep banks used a dumping ground as it is in some places.
Moored up within sight of the first of the six locks before the Caen flight. Haven't made a decision yet on what we will do in the immediate future.
The Avon was still in flood and the culvert was reportedly worse than first thought with several leaks not just one. Its going to be at least till the end of the month before we can get underway for Bristol.
The Skip arrives at the wharf. Looking very tidy but a little bit on the slow side. He did pull over and let me pass. One of the few times I have overtaken anyone and even then I was not a great deal faster.
Off for a wander around Devizes.
A rather nice covered market that wasnt used to its full potential I thought.
Further into the town and the square is used as a car park and looks like a car park first and square second. Felt quite odd.
Fine old buildings and a brewery at the end of the road. Wadworths and I did manage to try the 6x.
The moorings to the right and the Wharf Theatre to the left. Several hire and trust boats tend to be moored near the theatre and the Kennet and Avon Trust have a shop next to the boat in the foreground.
On May 13th went to the Wharf Theatre to see Two Gentlemen of Verona. The dog stole the show it was so well behaved. A lovely evening out.
We took a walk out to view the locks and the descent to come.
Right at the bottom and looking up the flight. Its only 130 feet but the amount of energy that has been used to get up there over the years must be considerable.
It seems to go on for ever.
Stay for a few days and we shall move out of Devizes to a mooring in the countryside. They are only 72 hours here so rather than have questions asked its easier to move out and pop back in every so often to do the shopping.